Physical Therapy is the treatment and prevention of disease, disorders and injury of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular body systems; including spine injuries and rehabilitation for post-orthopedic surgery patients. Moxie Physical Therapy specializes in orthopedic rehabilitation, making us one of the top providers for orthopedic physical therapy in Sarasota. You will be evaluated by a licensed Physical Therapist who will develop a plan of care to meet your goals and restore your quality of life.
Moxie Physical Therapy specializes in sport-specific injury rehabilitation. Our therapists have years of experience with sports and activity rehabilitation and we are the premier clinic of choice for getting you back in the game. We personalize every therapy experience to each individual’s needs so they can quickly return to sport activity. We work with athletes from most age ranges including pediatric, adolescent, college, professional and veteran athletes.
After surgery, your tissues, muscles and bones go through a period of healing. Because of this, your body needs to slowly return to everyday activities, which is why limiting mobility during recovery can sometimes result in improper healing. Side effects of this can include reduced range of motion, flexibility and functionality. Post-operative physical therapy is the ideal way to encourage your body to heal. In fact, our orthopedic surgeons believe that the success of their procedures is highly dependent on a personalized physical therapy plan.
When there is a deficiency in the ability to process input from your sensory system, people can experience difficulty maintaining stable positions while standing, walking or sitting. In any of these instances, balance therapy can help significantly reduce or resolve these issues.
An effective noninvasive FDA approved technique used worldwide to safely and effectively treat bone and soft tissue disorders around the foot and ankle is known as Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT). This method is proven to be effective in treating foot conditions especially Achilles tendonitis, tendonitis in the arch, plantar fasciitis (heel spurs) and incorrectly healed fractured bones.